Over the next few days we will begin to use a new Normal Procedures checklist for operating our King Air aircraft.  Until the new checklists are distributed throughout the fleet, continue to use the current checklist.  An “Expanded Normal Procedures” checklist is posted to this site for a complete explanation of the checklist and how it’s to be used. 

Currently, King Air checklists lack attribution; the checklists don’t identify who makes the challenge and response for any item.  In many cases who challenges and who responds is obvious, in others, however, it isn’t clear. Does the Captain make all the responses? Does the First Officer make all the challenges?  The new checklist addresses those questions and, going further, designates which checklists are verbalized (read aloud) and which ones aren’t.  There’s even a procedure to follow when a runway assignment has been changed to ensure affected equipment is reset and procedure differences fully considered.   Lastly, the checklist restricts itself to aircraft operating items.  Company procedures and passenger service reminders have been taken out.  As a consequence, though crews will still be required to call ahead for transportation and other service requests, the checklist will no longer serve as a prompt.

Please provide any feedback you feel will be helpful in improving the new checklist and our operation.

Fly Professionally,

Kurt Kohler
Flight Standards

KA200 Normal Checklist 18.1

KA 200 Expanded Checklist 18.1